Following Philo to the True Story of the Crown of Thorns

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The massive fire that destroyed Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on April 15, 2019, reopened discussions about the Crown of Thorns, one of Christianity’s most revered “Relics of Christ.”

The story of the Crown of Thorns begins with the Gospel According to Mark, the first written chronologically and most likely the closest to the original Hebrew version of the Story of Jesus. No Hebrew version has survived – at least none is known.

A “Hebrew Mark” is a hypothesis that is still resisted by Markan scholars who continue to rely on the writings of Early Church Fathers, whom they assume to be trustworthy. This seems strange because they’ve already found evidence that the Fathers lied about another related claim: Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis (circa 60 to circa 163 CE), wrote the Exposition of the Sayings of the Lord in five books. It is known through brief excerpts by Irenaeus of Lyons (circa180) and Eusebius of Caesarea (circa 320).

Among his many claims is that Matthew’s gospel was written first, and in Hebrew, a claim repeated by Jerome (circa 327 to 420). However, it has been universally discounted by textual examination and modern scholarship in general.

According to Jerome, all the Jewish Christian communities shared a single gospel, identical with the Hebrew or Aramaic Matthew. Furthermore, he claimed to have personally found this gospel in use among some communities in Syria. He also claimed to have seen a gospel in Aramaic that contained all the quotations he assigns to it; however, scholars have been able to prove that some of them could never have existed in a Semitic language.

Jerome’s claim that he produced all the translations himself is also suspect because Origen and Eusebius before him used the same quotations. Jerome appears to have assigned these quotations to the Gospel of the Hebrews, but scholars argue it is more likely that there were at least two and probably three ancient Jewish-Christian gospels, only one of them in a Semitic language.

That “one…in a Semitic language” is the original version of what became The Gospel According to Mark. In other words, the Fathers from Papias to Jerome and beyond lied! What were they trying to hide?

Papias’ reason for inventing this lie, and Jerome’s reason for adding more lies and passing them on, was to distract from the fact that Mark’s gospel was chronologically first, and it was written in Hebrew, and they knew it. And they feared “The Secret of the Kingdom of LHM” could be easily revealed when the Gospel was translated from the Hebrew language using Philo’s Rules.

The “Hebrew Matthew Proto-Primacy” lie was created to hide the reason Jesus was called “The Nazarene.” It was not because he came from Nazareth (Mt 2:23). It was the fact that Mark’s story of “Jesus the Nazarene” was a revival of the story of “Joseph the Nazar” in Genesis, the freedman who became Vizier over all of Egypt.

If the goal is to find the Historical Jesus and the true story of the Crown of Thorns, the focus must be on the Hebrew-language Gospel According to Mark before it was translated into Greek and falsified to promote the Orthodox agenda. And as always, Philo’s Rules must be employed in order to identify and interpret enigmas carefully placed throughout scripture.

Jesus and Mary Magdalene, and their family, went to great lengths to preserve the truth so it could be revealed at a later time of great need. Today, is a time of great need to find the truth about the Historical Jesus. Following Philo leads to many truths about the man called “Jesus” that have been withheld for more than two thousand years.

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