Legacy of the First Christian Heretic

Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson can be aptly labeled “Christian Heretics.” They admired and praised “Jesus” but rejected Orthodox Christian doctrines. Paine wrote, “I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of.” Regarding the bible, he mused, “…it would be more consistent that we call it the word of a demon than the word of God.”

Jefferson held special disdain for Paul, writing, “…Paul was the great Coryphaeus, and first corrupter of the doctrines of Jesus. These palpable interpolations and falsifications of his doctrines led me to try to sift them apart.”–Thomas Jefferson to William Short, Monticello, 13 April 1820.

Both, of course, rejected the nonsensical doctrine of vicarious atonement.

However, these Founding Fathers are just two in a long line that stretches back to the First Christian Heretic, Philo of Alexandria (circa 10 BCE to 74 CE). And it is Philo the Heretic who holds the key to solving the mystery of the historical Jesus: Was he Man, Myth, or like Christopher Reeve and Superman, both?

Philo, in “Every Good Man is Free,” alludes to a unique feature of the Biblical Hebrew used by the authors of the Tanakh: {Tanakh, also known as the Old Testament, is a collection of popular legends that were compiled, edited, and expanded during the Babylonian Captivity. At least two generations of Judean priests and scribes were confined and controlled by Cyrus the Great and his descendants. When Ezra returned to Jerusalem circa 458 BCE, he delivered the first known Tanakh. One shared text carried two very different messages, one for the uneducated, the other for the initiated. This was most likely King cyrus’ effort to peacefully unite two perpetually warring tribes.}

The Tanakh is written in consonants only, all caps. Vowels, spaces, and punctuation are determined by scribes, and they have more than one choice:

“Then one [Essene] takes up the holy volume [Tanakh] and reads it, and another of the men of the greatest experience comes forward and explains what is not very intelligible, for a great many precepts are delivered in enigmatical modes of expression, and allegorically, as the old fashion was.”

Here”s an example of what Philo’s words reveal: Gen 1:1 opens with this string of consonants: BRSTBRLHM. Judean scribes add vowels and spaces that result in BaReSiT BaRa Elohim, translated word-for-word, “In the Beginning created God…” Philo and the Essenes were aware, however, that this translation is incorrect. LHM, rendered Elohim, is the plural of Eloah, “God.” When translated correctly, Elohim is “Gods.”

What Philo and the Essenes knew that we haven’t known is that LHM can be correctly rendered, eLa Ha eM, Hebrew words translated “Goddess the Mother.” She is introduced in the opening words of Genesis where, using all the same consonants in the same order, BRSTBRLHM, Essenes “…of the greatest experience…” find other equally valid words:

BaR iS, eT aB oR, eLa Ha eM, “Son of Man, Father Light, Goddess the Mother.” She, as LHM, is found throughout the Tanakh. This was the Essene-Nazarene Holy Trinity, borrowed by the Church Fathers but corrupted to eliminate equal respect for feminine attributes. A Goddess might suggest that women are as valuable as men, God forbid!

Judean priests did not agree that the Tanakh could be translated in more than one way, and the Early Church Fathers agreed. Irenaeus of Smyrna (circa 130 to circa 200 CE) defined and codified Orthodox Christianity. And, he exposed what he considered to be heresies, especially the Nazarene Heresy.

His signature work, “On the Detection and Overthrow of the So-Called Gnosis,” is better known as “Adversus Haereses.” He attacks his opponents as blasphemers – not just people with different opinions, but Heretics. Irenaeus is critical and dismissive and describes a particular opponent’s teachings as “farce” and “falsehood,” as he denigrates it:

“…collecting a set of expressions and names scattered here and there, they twist them … from a natural sense [his version] to a non-natural sense [Essene version].”

Philo knew of this method, adopted it, and shared it; furthermore, Philo venerates it:

“I admire the Lover of Wisdom…collecting and thinking it fit to weave together many things, though different, and proceeding from different sources, into the same web…he has put together in one most admirably arranged work, combining great learning of one kind with great learning of another kind.”

Philo devised a method for identifying and solving enigmas in scripture, both Old and New Testaments; it consists of twenty-one “rules.” I am an avowed heretic who fell in love with Philo, so I decided to test Philo’s rules. What I found in the Old Testament destroys the foundation on which Orhtodox Christianity was built:

Yahweh (translated LORD, all caps) is the name that Judean Kings co-opted from their invented deity of the same name. These Kings, like their imagined deity, were authoritative and misogynistic and used threats and violence to control the members of their tribes, the Judeans. Instilling fear through violence was their method of controlling and exploiting people. Old Testament stories about YHWH are about the Kings, not the deity.

Eloah and eLa Ha eM are the names that Israelite Kings and Queens co-opted from their invented deities of the same names, aBa eL and eLa Ha eM, “Father God and Goddess the Mother.” The Essene-Nazarenes were a small remnant of the Israelite tribe after it split in two. A magic trick on Mt. Carmel, a chemical that ignited wood when water was poured on it, convinced most of the Israelites to abandon Father-Mother (Ba’al-Asherah) and follow YHWH (1 Kings 18:20-40).

Like their imagined deities, these Kings and Queens viewed members of their tribes as innocent children. Love and compassion were their methd of encouraging, educating, and persuading people to emulate these qualities. Jesus knew Father-Mother well; he called to them before and during the Crucfixion, “Abba, Abba” (Mk 14:36); “Ela, Ela” (Mk 15:34). 

The first-century Julio-Claudians ruled a vast, prosperous Roman Empire; however, one religious sect remained hostile and combative. The Judeans would never abandon YHWH in favor of any Roman God and Goddess. So, a wise Julio-Claudian devised a plan. YHWH and Zeus became “YH-Zeus the Nazarene,” which evolved into “Jesus.” His father was “Joseph,” a descendant of “Joseph the Nazar,” introduced at Gen 49:26 where he is “blessed” by a deity “with breasts and womb.”

Oh, but wait! “Jesus” wasn’t called “The Nazarene” because his ancestor was “Joseph the Nazar.” Jesus was called “The Nazarene” because he came from Nazareth (Mt 2:23). Or is this an interpolation devised to separate “Jesus the Nazarene” from “Joseph the Nazar”? Why would anyone want to do that?!

Let’s take a closer look. Joseph the Nazar’s mother was Rachel, derived from oRaK eLa, “Spirit of Goddess.” Rachel “died” in the place named BTLHM, (Gen 35:19). The Judean translation of BTLHM is BeT LeHeM (“house of bread”); the Essene translation is BeTuLaH eM, “Virgin Mother” and BaT eLa Ha eM, “Daughter, Goddess the Mother.” The enigma in BTLHM reveals that Rachel “died” in order to become “Daughter, Goddess the Mother,” aka, “Virgin Mother.”

As LHM, She is later found with Joseph the Nazar, born a Prince but held in slavery at Pharaoh’s court in Egypt. Pharaoh has worrisome dreams that no one can interpret. He turns to Joseph and Joseph turns to LHM. She helps him interpret Pharaoh’s dreams as a warning of a coming drought. Her wigHer wisdom, transmitted to Pharaoh by her son, leads Pharaoh to store some of the grain produced in years of rain to feed people during years of drought. Grateful, Pharaoh sets them free and makes Joseph the Vizier over Egypt. The freeing of Joseph and LHM was Joseph’s Triumph at the Court of the Pharaoh (Gen 41:1-45).

The first crucifixion in the Bible (Gen 40:19-22) was carried out right here in Pharaoh’s court two years before Joseph’s Triumph. The “Chief Baker” had done something to anger Pharaoh (we aren’t told what). The climax of the Judean version of the first crucifixion is,

We eT SaR Ha oPiM TaLaH KaSaR PaTaR LHM YSP.

“…but the chief baker he impaled, just as Joseph had interpreted to them.”

The Essene-Nazarene version using the same consonants but with different vowels and spaces reveals something else:

We eT iSha oRaH oPiM eT eLaH, KiSaR PeTer eLa Ha eM, YoSeP.

“But the Woman of Light, ‘Baker,’ is Elah, Kisar’s firstling, Ela the Mother of Joseph.”

{“Kisar” is the Sumerian-Babylonian “First Mother.” Ki means “Earth, ” Sar means “princess.” Kisar is a candidate for the etymology of Rome’s “Caesar” and Germany’s “Kaisar.”}

Some time around 41 CE, concurrent with Claudius becoming Rome’s Emperor, a Julio-Claudian commissioned two cameos. The first can be dated by the child in the middle row, left side, identified as future Emperor Nero, born in 37 CE. He appears to be about four or five years old.

This cameo was among three dozen or so artifacts purchased by Louis IX from Baldwin II, Latin emperor at Constantinople. They are listed in documents as “Relics of Christ.” In fact, the Sainte-Chappel (“Holy Chapel”) was built to house Louis IX’s collection of Relics of Christ. These Relics of Christ arrived in Paris in August 1239. When no one could figure out why the cameo was called “Triumph of Joseph at the Court of the Pharaoh,” the name was changed to “Great Cameo of France.” Apparently, “Relics of Christ” didn’t ring any bells. Or maybe it did.

The Cameo depicts four generations of Julio-Claudians. In the heavens (left to right): Mark Antony holding the Shield of Mars; Emperor Augustus holding the Spear of Mars; Cleopatra holding the Orb of Ra; Julius Caesar riding Pegasus.

Middle row, left to right: Julia Minor (holding Nero); Germanicus and wife Agrippina Major; Emperor Tiberius and Empress Livia; Claudius and wife Agrippina Minor. Sitting with head bowed in shame is the “assassinated” Emperor, “Caligula.”

The cameo supports what Philo reveals elsewhere: stories of assassinations and early deaths among this Royal Dynasty, posing as Gods and Goddesses, may not be literally true. Like Rachel, Caligula “died,” but he emergd as another personality who became quite prominent in his own right. Here’s a clue: Caligula was raised by his aunt Agrippina and uncle Germanicus (also “deceased” before the cameo was created). In his new role, Caligula assumed the name of his biological father, “Lucius Aemilius Paullus.”

The bottom row is most intriguing. Here we find the secret identities of the Julio-Claudians, the mythological characters they portrayed in annual festivals that celebrated “Gods and Goddesses.” Depicted underground are Jesus the Nazarene, Mary the Magdalene, Joseph the Nazar, Mother Mary and Baby Jesus.

Evidence hidden in the Essene-Nazarene rendering of Old Testament legends reveals that the original first-century Crucifixion was a dramatization of Joseph’s Triumph at the Court of the Pharaoh, the freeing of Goddess Mother and her Son. The moral message in these stories of a freedman and a freedwoman is that no one should ever be enslaved because everyone has unknown royal ancestors. All are created equal in spite of outward appearances or circumstances. Didn’t “Jesus” suggest the same?

The Julio-Claudian Crucifixion Myth must have gone something like this:

Judean Kings believed a woman who claimed to be a Goddess was a heretic; therefore, Goddess the Mother is sentenced to be crucified. YH-Zeus loves his Mother and values her so much that he offers his life in place of hers; YH-Zeus is strapped to the cross while eLa Ha eM and BaT eLa Ha eM mourn and pray at his feet. Fortunately, Mother knows the healing properties of herbs and spices; she concocts an elixir which she and Mary Magdalene take to the tomb. The three emerge victorious over death. Goddess the Mother and her Son YH-Zeus are more powerful than YHWH alone. Praise Goddess!

Oh, but not so fast! The patriarchal Judean priests refused to accept the Goddess, and some Judeans were too fearful of YHWH to accept Mother and Son. So for them, YH-Zeus was turned into the popular Scapegoat, and the Judean Crucifixion Myth became a vicarious atonement. Tolerance was the key to success as the newly fabricated deities offered something for everyone. The golden Age of Rome and the New Jerusalem were ushered in side-by-side.

Unfortunately, this relative peace lasted less than three hundred years – until the conversion of Emperor Constantine and the convening of the Council of Nicea in 325. Prior to this time, Roman Emperors allowed both versions of YH-Zeus to coexist. However, a few decades after that contentious and fateful Council, Emperors, Popes and Bishops resolved to prohibit all religions except their Nicene approved version of Christianity. Tolerance of other religions ceased to exist, leading to the unspeakable slaughter in the name of competing concepts of God and Gods, all imagined into existence by mortal men.

Bishop Epiphanius of Salamis (circa 315 to circa 403) composed the Panarion, a compilation of all the heresies known to him. His quotations are the only surviving fragments of many suppressed and destroyed texts; for this we owe him a debt of gratitude. Perhaps this offsets some of the damage he caused by adding support ot Irenaeus’ lies about why Jesus is called “The Nazarene.”

Epiphanius’ contemporaries, the equally intolerant Emperors Theodosius and his son Honorius, set about to destroy all evidence of all religions except their Nicene-Christianity. Temples to Gods and Goddesses throughout the Roman Empire were destroyed; heretics who refused to convert were tried, convicted, tortured, and executed.

One of the most notable destructions was the Baker’s Tomb on the east side of Rome. For some reason, perhaps superstition, rather than tearing it down, as they did other temples and monuments, Honorius buried the Tomb and Claudius’ Porta Maggiore under a massive structure which he also named Porta Maggiore. No one would ever have a reason to question the fate of Claudius’ Porta Maggiore. The Porta Maggiore remained, but in name only.

Honorius’ Porta Maggiore
Vasi Plate No. 7 [2]

Giuseppe Vasi preserved an image of Honorius’ Porta Maggiore as it appeared circa 1748. Plate No. 7 is one of several plates described as “Vasi’s Roman views.” These plates were the photographs of that era.

The second cameo commissioned circa 41 CE depicts the man and woman (left) who played the roles of “Jesus and Mary Magdalene.” Yes! We have images! and busts!

The couple on the right is their daughter and their son-in-law, Emperor Claudius (the men were also half brothers.).

Gemma Claudio Cameo [3]
Commissioned circa 41 CE

The historical couple called “YH-Zeus and Mary Magdalene” died in 74 CE. At the time of their deaths, he was known as Polemon and she was Atonia Caenis, Emperor Vespasian’s powerful freedwoman and co-ruler. Caenis is the name of a Greek Goddess whom the God Poseidon transformed into a man. Their remains were placed in the Baker’s Tomb, correctly identified as a monument to honor The Baker. However, rather than a freed-man and his wife, they are a freed-woman and her husband. And in spite of evidence that contradicts the claim, the Baker’s Tomb is often dated to the first century BCE. {Two sources challenge the first century BCE dating preferred by the Church: (1) John Henry Parker, The Archaeology of Rome, Part IX, “Tombs in and Near Rome” (Oxford: James Parker and Co; London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1877), 34-5. (2) Second century historian Pliny the Younger wrote letters that describe a monument to claudius’ freedman Pallas that was constructed on the east side of Rome, the exact location of the Baker’s Tomb (Loeb, VII. 29 and VI to Montanus, n.d. LCL 59:12-13).}

In 1838, twenty-two years before the American Civil War, Pope Gregory XVI, the anti-slavery Pope, ordered that Honorius’ massive structure be dismantled. After nearly fourteen hundred years, the heavily-damaged Baker’s Tomb and Claudius’ Porta Maggiore were exposed to the light once again.

In 1839, the year after uncovering the long-buried tomb of former slaves, Pope Gregory XVI gave pro-slavery churches an unsolicited gift: tens of thousands of new members. He wrote an apostolic letter forbidding Catholics to participate in the Atlantic Slave Trade: “We warn and adjure earnestly in the Lord faithful Christians of every condition that no one in the future dare to … reduce to servitude, or lend aid and favor to those who give themselves up to these practices, or exercise that inhuman traffic by which the Blacks, as if they were not men but rather animals, having been brought into servitude, in no matter what way, are, without any distinction, in contempt of the rights of justice and humanity…”

Claudius’ powerful freedman Antonius Pallas and Vespasian’s powerful freedwoman Antonia Caenis were/was one and the same person. She is better known as Philo of Alexandria, the “First Christian Heretic” and the creator of the keys to finding Her Story.

Claudius’ Porta Maggiore

Pope Gregory knew, as all Popes have known, that the remains placed in the Baker’s Tomb were the historical couple called “Jesus and Mary Magdalene.” And they also know that the Julio-Claudian Crucifixion Myth predates their own. Now who are the true heretics?



[1] Image from Wikimedia: Copyright, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f8/Great_Cameo_of_France_CdM_Paris_Bab264_white_background.jpg

[2] Image from “Rome Art Lover”: copyright: https://www.romeartlover.it/Vasi07.jpg

[3] Image from Ancient Rome Website: http://ancientrome.ru/art/artwork/glyptics/cameos/c0253.jpg

This article is a brief synopsis of information reported in three books by P.J. Gott and Logan Licht:

Following Philo to the Early /Church Fathers, The Cox Ukkers Who Rejected Jesus’ Feminism, Embraced Paul’s Misogyny, and Fabricated Christianity on a Foundation of Lies (Published March 2019).

Following Philo from Ba’al and Asherah to Jesus and Mary Magdalene (Published 2017).

Following Philo in Search of The Magdalene, The Virgin, The Men Called Jesus (Published 2015).