The Way to Bethlehem

Paul’s Easter Heresy

Biblical Evidence

Most scholars agree that The Gospel According to Mark was first chronologically and that Matthew and Luke plagiarized portions to weave into their gospel stories. Mark’s text is remarkably short, but Mark’s text wasn’t written to provide details of Jesus’ life. It was a script for a play, written to celebrate the fulfillment of two Old Testament prophecies.

Micah’s 5:2 prophecy is recited every Christmas:

“But you, Bethlehem Ephrath…from you shall come forth the Ruler of Israel…”

The more important prophecy, virtually unknown, is Micah 4:8; 4:10:

“As for you, MGDL[1] of the flock…the former dominion will be restored to you; the Kingdom will come to Daughter Jerusalem.

[1] MGDL rendered MiGDoL is translated, “watchtower”; rendered MaGDaL it becomes “Magdala.”

“Writhe in agony, Daughter Zion, like a woman in labor…You will go to Babylon; there you will be delivered, redeemed from the hand of YaHWeH, your adversary.”

Jewish Passover was to be superseded by a Crucifixion-Resurrection Festival for Daughter Jerusalem andthe Ruler of Israel.

People, places, and events in Matthew and Luke but not found in Mark are attributed to a reconstructed “lost gospel” called Quelle, Q for short. Example: “Bethlehem” is not mentioned in Mark’s script. “Bethlehem” and “Virgin Mother” are found only in Matthew and Luke. So, Q is credited with these added details. However, evidence reveals that someone made substantial changes to Mark’s text, including removing key portions. The most glaring example is the elimination of verses that follow Mk 16:8.

Mark 16:9-19, as found in KJV and most other versions, was added after c. 300 CE, the time of Clement who did not know of theses verses, and before c. 400, the time of Jerome who was aware of them but noted they were not in the Greek Mark he used.

For three centuries the ending was left hanging, Jesus’ post-resurrection fate a mystery if Mark were the only source. Of course, Matthew and Luke describe post-resurrection events in great detail, so Mark’s ending wasn’t needed. This suggests the men who compiled the New Testament intended that Matthew’s gospel would replace Mark’s.

The hand that removed Mark’s version of the post-resurrection events also removed “Bethlehem” and “Virgin Mother.” Matthew inadvertently identifies himself at Mt 2:23:

“And he went and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled. ‘He shall be called a Nazarene.’”

Matthew’s “from Nazareth“ hence “The Nazarene” seems to be confirmed at Mk 1:9:

“…Jesus came from Nazareth…”

Luke, however, disputes Matthew’s claim and this confirmation in Mark:

“We have found this man to be…a ringleader of the

Nazarene heresy” (Acts 24:5).

Now look at Mk 1:9 when BTLHM, the Hebrew consonants that become BeTLeHeM, are restored:

“Jesus came from BTLHM…”

Due to the interchangeability of Hebrew vowels, these same fixed consonants can also be rendered BeTuLaH eM, translated “Virgin Mother.” Both key elements attributed to Q are restored to Mark with this one correction.

Why would Matthew claim that Jesus resided in Nazareth, rather than retain Mark’s explanation that “Jesus came from BTLHM”?

The reason is easy to uncover: BTLHM can reveal too much information. The Hebrew consonants BTLHM can also be rendered BeT eLa Ha eM, translated “House (of) Goddess the Mother.” AND, another valid rendering produces what was, for Matthew, “way too much information”:

BaT eLa Ha eM is translated, “Daughter Goddess the Mother.”

Micah’s Daughter Jerusalem Prophecy is fulfilled!

Matthew lied, then interpolated Mark to support his lie!

But this solution works only if Mark’s script was written in Hebrew, a claim some Church Fathers tried to make for Matthew, their preferred gospel. However, their claim is judged false by most scholars, and abundant evidence supports this conclusion.

Another reason Matthew lied and interpolated Mark was to hide the real reason Jesus was called, “The Nazarene.” Nazarene is too easily connected to Joseph the Nazar in Genesis, Rachel’s firstborn son; Israel/Jacob’s favorite son; Abraham and Sarah’s grandson. Jacob gifted Joseph with a “robe of many colors,” a visible reminder that he favored this son over the others. Joseph’s envious brothers sold him to a passing caravan that took him to Egypt where he became one of Pharaoh’s slaves. There he served alongside another slave, known only as “The Baker.” Mark’s thread, Jesus the Nazarene, son of Joseph can be tied to Joseph the Nazar son of Israel in Genesis. That was also “way too much information” for Matthew and his cohorts.

Mark’s new god-myth was created to peacefully unite the followers of YaHWeH with the followers of Zeus under One God and One Goddess. The Priest-Kings representing “God” were called “Yah-Zeus.” The Priestess-Queens representing “Goddess” were called “Magdala.” YaHWeH’s Judeans were awaiting the fulfillment of Micah’s prophesies. Mark’s script brought them back—in person.

What was Mark’s inspiration for the Crucifixion? There is one intriguing crucifixion in the Old Testament: The Baker. Mark’s reason for revisiting Genesis to introduce Jesus and Mary Magdalene is hidden within Genesis 40:22:


Orthodox rendering and translation:

We eT SaR Ha oPiM TaLaH KaSaR PaTaR LaHeM YoSeP

“…but he crucified the chief baker, just as had been interpreted by Joseph.”

However, and this is big, the House of Hillel—a school of philosophy and ethics that was continued under his grandson Nasi Gamaliel[2]—promoted an equally valid Essene-Nazarene rendering and translation of the same fixed consonants:


We eT iSha oRa, ‘Ha oPiM,’ eT eLaH, KiSaR PeTeR, eLa Ha eM, YoSeP.

“But Woman Light, ‘The Baker,’ is Elah, Kisar’s[3] firstling,[4] Ela the Mother of Joseph.”

In Genesis, Joseph’s mother is RKL, RaKeLa (aka, “Rachel”), derived from Hebrew words, RuaK and eL. RuaK is translated, “spirit”; eL is eLoah (“God”), eLa (“Goddess”), and/or eLoHiM (“Gods”). “RaKeLa identifies Joseph’s mother as the “Spirit of God/Goddess.”

At Gen 35:19, and repeated at Gen 48:7, RaKeLa died and was buried “bederek Ephrath hi Bethlehem,” translated “on the way[5] to Ephrath (that is) Bethlehem.” Bethlehem and Ephrath are in Micah’s 5:2 prophecy, tying it to RaKeLa in Genesis.

At Gen 35:20, “Jacob” (also called “Israel”) sets up a pillar over RaKeLa’s grave. At Gen 35:21, “Israel” (also called “Jacob”) pitches his tent beyond the MGDL EDR, tying Micah’s 4:8 prophecy to RaKeLa. These references to verses in Genesis identify Daughter Jerusalem as “RaKeLa,” the earthly representation of Ela Ha Em. She was the Spirit of Goddess, Mother and Daughter. She was repeatedly rejected by YaHWeH’s Judean priests, so she waited in Babylon for her time to return. When that time came, Hillel traveled from Babylon to Jerusalem and established her “House.” There, the value of feminine attributes—compassion, cooperation, love, and service—was taught to “those with ears to hear.”

The Hebrew word for “Baker” is apha. At Gen 35:19, ePHRaT Hi BeTLeHeM can be rendered aPHa oR eT Hi BaT eLa Ha eM, “Baker Light (that is) Daughter Goddess the Mother.” This “Daughter” is the “Mother of Children of Light.”[6]

Furthermore, LHM can also be rendered LeHeM, the Hebrew word for “bread,” a Baker’s most valuable contribution in ancient times.

So, the Hebrew consonants, LHM, can be rendered “bread” and/or “Goddess the Mother.” Now read the Old Testament and Mark’s script; the Hebrew consonants LHM are translated incorrectly as “God.”[7]; the correct translation choices are “Gods“ (plural), “bread,” and/or  Ela the Mother.” SHE can be found 2,598 times in the Old Testament and another 48 times in Mark’s unfinished story.

The grand finale of Mark’s play has never been recovered because it was abhorrent to Paul and the priests. The new God and Son of God had to replace the Judean’s scapegoat so unethical people could continue self-serving schemes, then pay for absolution. Only fools would “treat others as they want to be treated” for Christ’s sake! Paul refused to accept a Son of God and Goddess who offered to give His life that the Great Mother Goddess might be saved.

Being a Goddess, Mother prepared an elixir that also saved her son. Mark’s closing scene was performed as the morning sun and Venus rose in the East. Mother takes a laurel crown from her head and places it on her Son. She takes a laurel necklace from around her neck and places it on her Daughter. Hand-in-hand, the three lead The Way to BeT LeHeM, a “House of Bread,” followed by jubilant women, dancing and singing, “Hosanna! Hosanna!” At “Bethlehem,” wreaths of laurel decorate tables covered in white linen; congregants are served Mola Salsa Wafers and sacred spring water. The celebration continues for three more days.[8]

But some of the men were fearful that this Goddess, a former slave, might empower women and slaves. Paul’s Christianity caught fire with them; furthermore, vicarious atonement was more appealing than sharing with those less fortunate. Fear of women and freedmen[9] in positions of power, fueled by Paul’s anti-women and pro-slavery propaganda, exploded into the First Jewish Revolt that lasted four years (66-70). It ended with the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple.

The Julio-Claudians were victorious, but Paul’s Heresy was not eradicated. Priests and Bishops stoked the embers of fear in the minds of insecure men until an Emperor they controlled rose to power.

Circa 306, Constantine, a puppet of the Church, became Emperor of Rome. Circa 400, all other faiths became heresies, especially The Way of the Nazarene. Anyone practicing a competing religion was arrested, tortured, converted, and/or killed. The superstition of vicarious atonement triumphed over the logic of Jesus’ unconditional love and compassion.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

And yes, history does often rhyme.

“Destruction of the Temple” (by Francesco Hayez, 1867)

Paul’s Zealots took control of the Jerusalem Temple (c. 68 CE). Roman soldiers reclaimed it on April 14, 70 CE.

Attempted siege of the United States Capitol, Jan 6, 2021

In Rome, “Ela the Mother” was known as “Ishtar” and “Venus.” At Rev 22:16, Yah-Zeus reveals his Judean and Heavenly ancestors: 

“…I am the root, the offspring of David,

and (offspring of) the magnificent morning Astar.”

Venus is “Astar,” “Astar” is “Ishtar,” “Ishtar” is Easter.

The Julio-Claudians could not have known that one of their sons would turn the Jesus Myth into a false history and an affluent-male supremacist heresy. Their successful Resurrection of Goddess the Mother became the most consequential failure in the history of the world.

A monument constructed to commemorate The Story of Jesus the Nazarene and Mary Magdalene stands next to the Porta Maggiore, Rome’s East Gate. It’s called, “The Baker’s Tomb.” The couple whose remains were interred there are identified as “former slaves.” When Paul’s Christianity became the official religion of Rome, The Baker’s Tomb was buried under a massive stone structure; it remained hidden until anti-slavery Pope Gregory XVI ordered it uncovered twenty years before the Civil War in America.[2]

Baker’s Tomb Photograph by Gott, 2016

Why did Goddess appear as an enslaved Baker?

A slave serves others, a quality Jesus celebrated; a quality he demonstrated. A slave doesn’t seek recognition; slaves serve with quiet humility.

Joseph and eLa Ha eM were observant and wise. Their foresight and wisdom saved the Egyptians from starvation when the cyclical drought brought famine to the unprepared. Pharaoh rewarded Joseph by putting him in charge of all of Egypt, with LHM advising.   

YaH-Zeus the Nasarean was a fictional, mythological character;

Nasi Gamaliel, who portrayed Yah-Zeus in annual festivals,

was historical.

GaMa eLa eL means “Goddess and God within.”[3]

Nasi Gamaliel’s grandfather was Nasi Hillel the Elder,

who traveled from Babylon to Jerusalem,

bringing the Magdala with him;

HeiL eLa eL means “Praise Goddess and God!”

Germanicus and Agrippina; aka, Gamaliel and Wife;
aka Jesus and Mary Magdalene

[1] Essene-Nazarene translation. Nasi Hillel claimed King David as his ancestor; Julius Caesar claimed Venus as his ancestor. Jesus claims both.

[2] Details can be found in Following Philo from Baal and Asherah to Jesus and Mary Magdalene.

[3] GMLL: GaMa: Strong’s Hebrew 1572, translated “swallow”;  “absorb.” GaMa eLa eL means “Goddess and God are within.”

[1]; “First Jewish Revolt”:

[1] Essene-Nazarene translation; emphasis added.Archaeological evidence found at Kuntillet Ajrud supports textual evidence that YaHWeH at one time had a wife; her name was Asherah.[1]  (KJV translates Asherah, “groves.”

[2] We cite Wikipedia articles when doing so does not jeopardize the readers’ ability to confirm and source the statements in the articles’ footnotes.

Wikipedia, “Gamaliel.”

[3] “Kisar”: Sumerian-Babylonian “first mother.” Ki means “Earth,” Sar means “princess.” Kisar is the etymology of Rome’s “Caesar” and Germany’s “Kaisar.”

[4] Strong’s 6363, peter, “firstling.”

[5] Acts 24:14: “I admit that I follow The Way, which they call a heresy…”

[6] Joseph and his mother earned their freedom, thereby becoming “freedmen.”

[7] Hebrew eLoah is “God”: eLoHiM is the plural, and the correct translation is “Gods” or “Goddess the Mother.”

[8] Post-resurrection scene reconstructed from what is known of Roman festivals, i.e., Parilia, Veneralia, Megalesia, Lupercalia, Floralia, and Quinquatria, festivals honoring Kybele, Ceres, Venus, Isis, and Ishtar:

[9] Freedmen/women in Rome: Narcissus, Pallas, and Felix (Claudius); Caenis (Vespasian).